Today my youngest is turning six, where has the time gone. Will keep us laughing around this house. He is the perfect mix of silly and sweet, tough and sensitive. He loves his family, friends, sports and any toy imaginable. Will was born on beggars night and will be sharing his birthday today with beggars night again. He is going to have his first ever birthday party with friends. He and about 12 other 5and 6 year old boys will be tearing up Pump it Up tomorrow night. October is a busy month with both Abby and Will having birthdays two weeks apart. I am so grateful for this little boy!
Here is my Will around 6 months old. It is amazing how God has shaped this unique little boy over the past six years. I pray that the tenderheartedness that God has so blessed him with will continue to be a mainstay of his character as he gets older.