Well Mike is finally safe in India. After about 48 hours of travel and wait time he got there safely and not as tired as he thought he might be. He actually ordered a pizza at 130 in the morning, as long as he has pizza I know he will survive. Right before he left there were two bombings in the city he was staying in, making us both a little nervous but allowing us to trust completely in God as we know we do not have control over those things. Dropping Mike off at the airport was very sad, wiping back the tears I was finally able to pull away. Abby asked why I was crying this time because I never cry when daddy goes away on business. I told her it was because daddy has never been gone this long and that I was going to miss him alot. Both Abby and Will answered "me too".
I have had lots of help this week from family who has graciously helped me get some free time. The kids have enjoyed the special activities and I am so grateful to have family that are so willing to help me out. Tommorrow we are going to the Dublin Irish Festival(dublinirishfestival.org) with my parents. It is the second biggest Irish Festival around and we always have a great time. Of course I am sad Mike will miss it as this has been a family tradition for a while, but I plan on taking pictures and video to share with him.
The verse I am using to help calm any worries that arise over the next few weeks while Mike is gone is Phillipians 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will gaurd your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus". Thankyou Jesus that you provide for all things.
Welcome Spring Without the Bins
12 hours ago
Erin -
This is my first visit to your blog. Thank you for adding me to your blogroll. I have done the same (if that is okay). I will be praying for Mike and his safety while he is away. I will also be praying for your peace and that you would have the strength you will need while he is away. Thanks again for the link! God bless.
Beautiful site girl! I didn't know that about your husband. I know this phrase is a bit overused at times, but in all sincerity, I will be praying for his safety and for his overwhelming sense of peace for you. sounds like God is providing in wonderful ways already. If you don't mind, I'm going to add you to my links. Have a wonderful day!
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