Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hearing God's Voice

I just started a personal summer bible study called "What Happens When Women say Yes to God" by Lysa Terkeurst. In the second chapter on hearing God's voice the author reveals a simple prayer she starts each morning to help her communicate with God and hear his voice. I found the prayer encouraging and helpful so I thought I would post a little summary of it.

Dear God, please give me the desire to want you more than anything else. I ask for the discipline to make my relationship with you top priority. Please give me the discernment to know the difference between my own thoughts and God's voice. I ask for clear direction at each crossroad in my life and that my relationship with you be characterized by sheer joy rather than a sense of duty. Amen

Well that about sums up what I continue to strive my relationship with God to be. Thank you God that I am a work in progress and that you are more than willing and able to shape me into the woman you want me to be.

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